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Postponed to a later date TBD

Learn how to create boundaries without sacrificing compassion!!!

Join us for an amazing weekend full of growth and change! A chance to find confidence in saying yes to yourself! A safe space where meaningful, amazing, friendships will be formed! Walk away on a new level, with the tools, and support needed to maintain this new level.

It is a journey. Time comes into play. The longer you wait to make the changes you are wanting to make, the longer it will take for you to reach your goals. The longer it will take for you to start living your dream life! Start your adventure today! Start saying yes to yourself! Start transforming your dreams, your desires, into reality, NOW!!!

Escape the Cold, & Join us in Southern Utah!!!!!



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When you work on you, YOU WIN!


Let's break it all down, and build it up.


Take the time NOW that is necessary to create the clean space to create your STRONG foundation.


Life happens one second at a time, one moment at a time, one step at a time.



Building the foundation is a MUST for you to create your dreams!


We designed this retreat with YOU in mind!! Helping you, step into you is our #1 Priority


- Safe space to connect and be vulnerable!


- Guided trainings & experiences to help you Let Go


- Support as you start to make your dreams a reality


I was in a place where I was not able to say yes. I was also in a place where I was not able to say no, at the same exact time! It is an amazing thing to step into a place where you can confidently set those boundaries! You are able to say yes, when you want to say yes. You are confident in saying no, when you are wanting to say no! You are able to transform your life! Keep the compassion that you love to share with others, and confidently set the boundaries that you are needing in your life.

If people try to cross your boundaries, you will get to make a choice. Will you let them cross your boundaries, therefore showing everyone that it is okay, or will you stand strong, and start living the life you were created to live??

It is possible!




Find your lifelong



Learn how to


Learn to Like


And Love Your


Forgiveness leads to Like!

Like leads to Trust!

Trust leads to Love!

Love leads to Compassion!

And when you have Compassion WITH Boundaries, it is easier to be COURAGEOUS, allowing you to create YOUR DREAMS!



Step into being the kind of person who:


  • Effectively Communicates with and enjoys spending time with your family!

  • Goes on Adventures with your friends!

  • Finds your purpose, and calling in life, & TAKES ACTION ON IT!

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Creating a strong foundation leads to 

transforming your dreams into YOUR reality!

Is this retreat for you??

  • Are you constantly saying yes to others, while saying no to you??

  • Are you looking for deeper, more meaningful connections in your life??

  • Are you ready to go through a metamorphosis in your life??

  • Are you looking for your chance to travel, take that next business venture, believe in yourself??

This Retreat Includes:

-3 nights, 4 days

-Food for all meals + snacks

-Drinking water

-A safe space to move forward

-A Healing Drum Circle

-A Drum of your own to take home with you

-Knowledge on how to change your life

-A dedicated meditation time each day

-A workbook with a journal prompt for each morning

-An opportunity to create the life of your dreams!

Create a strong foundation for transform

If you have NEVER experienced a healing drum circle- it's a MUST!! 

We will be having a beautiful healing drum circle!

You will have the ability to create your own personal drum to take home with you!!!!!

I am sooo excited for you to have this experience, and for you to share it with everyone else in your life!!!!!


Every day is set up with training times, as well as down times, specifically to bring the ability to process, practice, and find relaxation through this retreat. This will give you the opportunity to step into your dream life!!!!! You will walk away knowing what steps you need to take to keep it going when you get home.

A DREAM written down with a date becomes a GOAL. A goal broken down into steps becomes a PLAN. A plan backed by ACTION becomes REALITY. - JOURNEYSTRENGTH


What will you be getting out of attending this retreat if you take the action steps and follow them??

-Forgiveness of self

-Learn to love yourself

-Learn to like yourself

-Learn that it all starts with you & what steps to take 1st

-Learn to forgive others

-Learn to love others

-Learn to like others

-Learn how to walk away and apply these to your everyday lives without losing them.

-Learn how to apply these to your every day life in a way that matters.

-Learning how to be comfortable in this new space.

-Learning how to trust yourself

-Learning how to trust others, through your trust in yourself

-Learning how to be compassionate

-Learning how to set boundaries, and stick to them

"You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending."

                 -C.S. Lewis


It took me MANY years to learn how to likelovetrust, & forgive myself! I am now in a place where I feel it is time for me to share my experiences and knowledge learned with you, so that you won't have to take so long to find a friend in yourself. 


While I stated that I am a recovering addict above, I would also like to let you know that I have been through more than just recovery from drugs. I have learned how to overcome the insecurities that come from being in an abusive relationship. I also learned how to be an amazing mother, while I was single. The list goes on.


I have been given a desire to help YOU overcome your obstacles, and find genuine LOVE, JOY, PEACE, ABUNDANCE, and FREEDOM in your life today! 

Who should NOT attend this retreat??

-Those with closed minds that are not wanting to transform their life. 

- People who are not ready, to be honest with themselves.

-Disrespectful People- We 100% ONLY allow people to come who can hold space for others.

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Evolve or Remain

By Creig crippen * Vybe Source

You are being presented with a choice: evolve or remain. If you choose to remain unchanged, you will be presented with the same challenges, the same routine, the same storms, the same situations, until you learn from them, until you love yourself enough to say "no more", until you choose change. If you choose to evolve, you will connect with the strength within you, you will explore what lies outside of the comfort zone, you will awaken to love, you will become, you will be. You have everything you need. Choose to evolve. Choose love.

Shawna has a very calming presence behind the camera. I was able to completely be myself in the moment and not worry about how I looked.

                   -Janelle Farley Fuhriman


It is time to take the steps to become happy with your life, now. Why wait till tomorrow for what can be done today?

I am so excited to experience this transforming weekend with you!!!!!



Stephanie Larabee


"Foot Zoning and detoxing helps bring clarity, peace, and rejuvenation."    -Stephanie


Hollie Hope

Ali2020_HollieHopeSC-6805 - Hollie Hope


Lynda Barrus



Energy Healer


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